The excitement of getting a visa seemed just not enough to keep it to oneself. Every time is a party time for someone who likes to enjoy every single moment of life. This moment being a really important and a big one called for a party time soon. Close friends and family are always a part of any Indian celebration and no matter how small you plan it to be, in the end you end up inviting atleast a hundred people. But well its a time to celebrate, so why not just do it to the maximum? The time was really heart warming for the boy as his close family members like his Mama (mom's brother) and his family, Kaka (dad's brother) and his family and Dada (Grandfather) had been there from Dahod. Oh, I would like to mention one thing here that yes we have a name for every single member in the family. They are all just not uncle's and aunties like Dad's brother is Kaka, Mom's sister is Masi and the like. With everyone there, the moment was very heartwarming because the fact is everyone knew that he was not going to make it to home for at least next one year. So that was the last time when the boy was going to be with his entire family and close friends together. It was a very cheerful, but an emotional moment.
The exciting part was the preparation. Food was on the top of agenda. Then utensils and later was everything else. Everyone was so eager to help. Everything was just new, ranging from clothes to stationary to everything. A beginning of a new life was exciting and his parents made sure he was not missing on anything. It is really great to have parents who can understand all your needs and fulfill them even before asking for something. That was one of the few lucky to have affluent parents belonging to upper middle class. No matter what preparations were made, it always seemed something was missing. The list was never ending. BOOKS, MEDICINES, CLOTHES, UTENSILS, FOOD, STATIONARY, and on and on and on. The memories to pack up were something which could never be done. They are everlasting. The best part was that he was going to Florida luckily. So no need for heavy thermal wear, no need to worry about harsh winter and snow. Florida is one of the few places on USA to have to have really beautiful weather. Winters are pleasant and summers are just the normal.
A small tip here for buying clothes, don't bother to spend money on clothing in India. Rather pack your bags with as much food as you can. You won't regret. Clothes in USA are so cheap and if you are a bargain shopper, with just around three hundred dollars, you can actually fill up you entire closet with brand new line of clothes. And the fit and finish is actually pretty good as compared to one available back home. But if you are an international shopper and addicted to European brands and style, you will be disappointed.