Hey Everyone,
Today I want to talk a bit about podcast and five of my favorite ones which can be helpful to you.
1. Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More:
In this Podcast, author Stever Robins provides intense productivity and organization tips which are actually really useful in the day to day life. The Podcast updates each week and the topics range from managing emails to juggling with technology to keep in touch with friends to every aspect of day to day life. It is really interesting as you may b applying to lot of universities and this podcast will help you juggling with all the applications, managing materials and keeping stuff simple.
2. Inspiring Words of Encouragement:
This podcast also updates weekly by Zig Ziglar. Each week there will be motivation, inspiration and encouragement from the author to keep your positive attitude and spirits high in those difficult times of waiting for admission confirmation from universities, visa application and all the hard times.
3. The Daily Boost: Motivation | Life Coaching | Personal Development | Life Purpose |:
This podcast updates everyday and with just sparing 9 minutes in morning, Scott Smith helps you to fill your mind with motivation, un-confuse you and helps you get clear about what you want in life.
4. Take Control of Your Career and Your Life:
Marcus Buckingham is a business expert. I listen to this podcast that was released in 2008. It has 7 sessions and after going through all the sessions, it made me feel really clear of what to achieve and what are my strengths. Author, specifically stresses on your career and job, but that equally applies to life and what you want to do with your life. Great motivator.
5. Law of Attraction Tips:
This podcast os more about general day to day life, your relationship, health and money. Author Caren Luniw talks about what relationships really mean to us and how to be at the best to get most out of life and how each relation should be nurtured. Also she talks how to make money work for you and keeping yourself healthy.
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